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1. Gaffe (оплошность) :
I kept things moving reasonably well and didnt commit any major gaffes or trip over my words too badly
2. Gainsay (отрицать) :
In your place I should not gainsay the truth but Id put it in a different and more telling way
3. Gall (желчь) :
The piece is written with an almost amused incredulity at the sheer gall of the scheme
4. Galleon (галеон) :
The fleet of 130 ships including 22 fighting galleons sailed in a crescent shape
5. Gambit (гамбит) :
Through these gambits business commentators challenge the very concept of innovation
6. Gambol (порезвиться) :
One of the joys of walking in the hills this weekend will be the sight of newborn lambs gambolling in the Easter sunshine
7. Garble (просеивать) :
You try to talk to a fellow shopper but your words sound garbled and others seem confused by your speech
8. Garish (показной) :
Orange whistles are garish and weapons can easily be turned against you
9. Garner (запасать) :
We hope it garners a wealth of information for everyone
11. Gaucherie (неуклюжесть) :
In the last 15 years the mode of quick cutting has hidden some of the physical gaucheries but it cant give them graces they dont possess
12. Gaunt (тощий) :
He was gaunt and serious from the start with minimal hand movements and only slightly gesticulating as he dipped into domestic policy issues
13. Gavel (молоток) :
The judge bangs his gavel and then gets up and exits the courtroom
14. Genre (жанр) :
All in all I picked up ten magazines representing a wide base of styles and genres
15. Germane (уместный) :
Frankly they backed into their mollusc caves round about May and emerge only when I manage to procure a germane species of earth worm from my back yard
16. Germinal (зародышевый) :
Radiation inhibits mitotic activity in the germinal cells of the epidermis hair follicles and sebaceous glands
19. Gist (суть) :
Faint voices floated to him and he caught the general gist of the conversation
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