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61. Erudition (эрудиция) :
he was known for his wit erudition and teaching skills
62. Eschew (сторониться) :
He eschews the uniform of the boardroom boss preferring sports jackets and casual boots to the traditional Savile Row suit and handmade brogues
63. Esoteric (тайный) :
It means that you live in one place but exist in another esoteric imaginary plane unshackled by fact or memory
65. Espouse (поддерживать) :
My father falling in love with a poor relation espoused her privately and I was the first fruit of that marriage
66. Etymology (этимология) :
Based on a rough study of etymology these words for big numbers were popularized in 17thcentury France and were based on the 14thcentury coinage of million
67. Eulogy (панегирик) :
Then there will be a real state funeral familiar nostalgia more eulogies to praise duty and endurance
68. Euphemism (эвфемизм) :
We have lots of euphemisms for menstruation and we dont refer to it unless in the company of women and rarely even then
69. Euphony (благозвучие) :
How much steampiston euphony survived the voyage from Australia is vague since Englishmen regularly mispronounced the town to rhyme with stagger
70. Evacuate (эвакуировать) :
Authorities are urging about 9000 people living nearby to evacuate that danger zone
71. Evanescent (исчезающий) :
Experiments were performed in a liquid sample cell containing two silica spheres immersed in a buffer solution and evanescently coupled to the same singlemode nearinfrared optical fiber
72. Exacerbate (обострять) :
Rising energy costs which are a result of a growing scarcity as well as inflation are exacerbating the situation
76. Exceptionable (небезупречный) :
The word weird seems a bit extreme with surprising being less exceptionable but McKeon put the bat on the ball
77. Exculpate (реабилитировать) :
No one arranged my speech he said as if exculpating his colleagues from what he was about to say
78. Execrable (отвратительный) :
This week alone Ive come across four sensationally good bottles which show up the execrable wines for what they are
79. Exegesis (экзегеза) :
Thus it is more like a volume of patristic exegesis of Scripture than a modern work of history or theology
80. Exemplar (образец) :
Each culture has a worldview encased in a variety of myths practices rites and moral exemplars
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